What's in a Name?
The title "Madame Ex" is a play on the 1966 film title
"Madame X," starring Lana Turner and John Forsythe. And while
there were several movies with that title, the 1966 film is the most
1- Lex Tower- home to Dr. Heller’s office at Lex Labs, Dr. Gretchen
Kelly’s laboratory, Lex Tower Penthouse
2- Construction Site- where Superman saves a falling man and is met by
cheering from some and angry accusations by others who witness the feat.
This is the first such confrontation he experiences.
3- Daily Planet- newsroom, break area, elevators, lobby, Dr. Carlin’s
4- Suicide Slum side street with alley and dumpster
5- City Hall- anti-Superman demonstration outside where City Council is
honoring Superman
6- Sheldon Bender’s Office- where reading of Lex’s will takes place
7- Cab of Truck and Street Outside- Arianna and double hijack it, fight
over a gun and cause driver to lose control, sending the truck careening
along the street
8- Gun shop- where, as Lois Lane, the double buys the gun to be used to
kill Superman
9-Grounds of the Queensland Retirement Home- where the ship’s captain,
who married Luthor and Carlin, is now living
10- Police station- where Perry and Clark pay Lois’ bail after her
11- The block where MPD building is located has a Billiard/Pool
establishment next door, then an art gallery, and a florist shop.
12- The Bureau of Vital Statistics- mentioned by Lois, where she found
no marriage certificate for Luthor, despite hours of searching.
1- The Kent farm- where Clark discusses events with his parents
1- Flight- rescues falling construction worker, goes to Kansas and
along the way buzzes a farmer in a tractor
2- Strength- breaks and fixes a radio transmitter tower while flying and
reading a book, stops out of control truck though weakened by kryptonite
3- Breath- neutralizes tear gas by freeze drying it so it can be swept
4- Heat vision- bores a hole in a fish tank so water will spurt onto
unconscious Lois and rouse her
1- Strength- throws a tire like a lasso to capture a running man
2- Breath- stops a taxi by inhaling and pulling it backwards
3- Hovering- helps Jonathan paint the barn
1-points into the air, then pauses, as he tells a puzzled Perry why
he is late for work, in full view of Jimmy and Lois, too.
2-somehow knows Lois keeps candy bars in her desk drawers but she only
thinks he’s been going through her drawers and demands to know why
1- Tells Perry he’s late for work because “I had a problem
dropped on me.” (Falling man)
2- Tells Lois he caught the running homeless man because “he got...
3- “He must have super hearing”- to explain why a taxi has suddenly
returned after passing them by
1- She wasn’t at anti-Superman rally because she was at home eating
chocolate...cottage cheese...chocolate flavored cottage cheese...a new
fla-...she was doing her laundry!
2- Tells Clark she keeps a box of candy bars in her desk in case of
emergency- i.e. if her blood sugar drops drastically low
3- Declares half the media shrinks aren’t real doctors, then when
assured by Dr. Carlin that she is a real doctor, Lois says she was
talking about the other half
1- New Computer System at Daily Planet- fax modems, new email
provider, sound
2- Kryptonite shaped into a bullet
No mention of Clark's travels in this episode.
No mention of any of the languages Clark speaks.
Clark Kent
1- is surprised by anger from some people after he rescues falling
construction worker
2- reveals to his parents he is worried about Lois because she won’t
admit how much the events of her wedding day are affecting her
3- knows what an acrostic is and explains them to Lois and, later, to
4- agrees with Perry that Lois should talk to Dr. Carlin
5- thinks people tearing pages out of phone books to be inconsiderate
6- tells Perry Dr. Carlin was once Mrs. Luthor, she killed Dr. Heller
and created the double in order to destroy Lois
7- he carries a beeper and uses it
8- he thinks Lois is brilliant but can’t resist teasing her that there
is a fine line between brilliance and lunacy
Lois Lane
1- checks coin returns and picks up dropped coins - until Clark
points out the habit
2- tears pages out of phone books
3- admits to Dr. Carlin Lex’s proposal confused her, it was the last
thing she was expecting
4- admits she had trouble sleeping after the bombing of the DP
5- was further confused by Clark’s declaration of love and then his
recanting of it
6- admits she was attracted to Lex because of what she thought was his
humanitarianism and to his power
7- declares she never loved Lex- only Superman- but leaves her feelings
for Clark unknown to us but with the implied impression she only loves
Superman, as Clark is merely her best friend.
8- was stunned to learn Lex was married before - he’d told her she was
his first true love
9- sees her double leaving the DP and follows her. In an alley they
exchange insults until Arianna arrives and takes Lois captive at
10- Admits to Clark she does feel better after talking to Dr. Carlin and
getting a few things off her chest.
11- used a letter opener to remove kryptonite bullet from Superman’s
12- once again surprise Perry and Clark by agreeing to take some time
Perry White
1- announces the hiring of a new staff psychologist and admits he has
never read her column
2- orders Lois to see Dr. Carlin professionally twice
3- he and Clark find subliminal anti-Superman rhetoric in Dr. Carlin’s
recent columns
4- says he and Lois have been working together “about five years”
5- questions Jimmy’s choice of birthday presents for his mother but
claims he doesn’t meddle in the lives of his employees (reporters)
6- ultimately decides Carlin is one brick shy of a full load
Jimmy Olsen
1- discovers Luthor was married aboard a ship in the Caribbean.
2- follows Superman news in all publications, including rival paper, the
3- expresses anger at Lois after seeing the double at the anti- Superman
rally on TV- tells her it took a lot guts to do what she did
4- claims his mother is overweight and has allergies as an excuse to
give her an autographed book by Dr. Carlin instead of candy and flowers
for her birthday. Later returns the book.
Jonathan Kent
1- Tells Clark to give him more warning when coming up behind him
2- wonders why Clark decided to lie to Lois about his real feelings-
crossed fingers or not
Martha Kent
1- Tells Clark to continue being patient and understanding with Lois
2- States that Lois seeing Dr. Carlin is the right step
1- Tells Perry Lois is right, there is a double posing as her
2- Finds Lois’ purse on sidewalk outside the DP Bldg.
3- Convinces Lois she must remove the kryptonite bullet after he is shot
4- Suggests the middle of the Bermuda Triangle might be a good spot away
from him to put the kryptonite bullet
5- Can be snarky - tells Arianna Carlin the truck driver who disarms her
obviously doesn’t read her column
Arianna Carlin
1- syndicated self-help columnist, “Healing the Inner Self on the
2- author of best selling book “Subliminal Persuasion”
3- funded creation of Lois II, a double to compromise Lois Lane’s
sanity and ruin her
4- used her column to promote anti-Superman sentiment
5- was once married to Lex Luthor, now refuses to be called Mrs. Luthor
because she hasn’t been Mrs Luthor for ten years
6- murders Dr. Heller in cold blood with the Lois double as a witness
7- She lies to Perry White and Clark Kent about Lois Lane’s state of
8- She shoots Superman with a kryptonite bullet retrieved from the
Luthor penthouse
9- calls Lex the love of her life and believes Lois and Superman
betrayed him and are responsible for his death, even though she knows he
isn’t exactly dead anymore
10- assures Lois she is a real doctor
11- tells Gretchen that Lex said she was the best physician he ever had
12- tells Lex’s body she has the kryptonite- no reaction in his vital
13- suggests Lois might be suffering from post traumatic stress because
of her (apparent) erratic behavior and memory loss
14- admits Luthor divorced her though she doesn’t use his name
1- is naturally left handed and a blonde
2- thinks Lois is “plain” and a prissy, glorified typist
3- tossed tear gas into the newsroom and told Perry to consider it
her/Lois’s two weeks notice
4- identifies herself merely as “an accident victim in the right place
at the right time”
Dr. Gretchen Kelly
1- stole Luthor’s body and is bringing him back to life
2- tells Arianna Lex is very special to her
3- tells Arianna she will begin stimulation to start regeneration of
Lex’s body “tomorrow”
4- tells Lex’s body that Arianna failed and looks for reaction in
vital signs- there is none.
Sheldon Bender
1- Luthor attorney, reads Lex’s will then refuses to talk to the
press later
Captain Keene
1- retired ship’s captain who tells Lois the woman Lex married was
much prettier than she is and “really built”
2- jokingly tells L&C that Lex’s bride was named “Mrs.
Luthor”- then shows them a picture of Lex and Arianna Carlin after he
married them aboard his ship and tells them her real name
3- he reveals the date to have been October 8th, 1984
1- Dr. Heller- a noted plastic surgeon working for Lex Labs, he is
murdered by Arianna Carlin
2- Joe- careless construction worker who knocks co-worker off top of
building with a beam
3- Grateful construction worker who fell from building
4- Homeless Man in alley- who identifies Dr. Heller’s killers as
“two chicks” though one is named “Harry” and identifies Lois as
one of them.
5- Detective Ryder- he arrests Lois for aggravated assault, B&E, and
grand theft after the double attacks a guard at Lex Tower and steals the
half million dollar engagement ring Lex gave Lois
6- Female NEWS reporter who interviews anti-Superman protestors
7- Male and female anti-Superman demonstrators
8- DP Newsstand operator- who is anti-Superman and DP Security guard- he
is pro-Superman
9- Temp Secretary- she’s packing up at the late Dr. Heller’s office
10- various newsroom employees: a man and a woman disagreeing over Lex
Luthor’s reputation and death and whether Superman should have saved
him; The two later stop at Lois’s desk and tell her about the new
computer system; many who are angry at her after the double’s TV
appearance at anti-Superman rally
11- Radio DJ and Harold, a caller on DJ’s radio show who is
anti-Superman. The DJ seems tired of hearing the Luthor angle of the
12- Truck driver- whose rig is hijacked by Carlin and double; he disarms
them and gives gun to Superman
1- Series theme is the only recognizable tune used- during
Superman’s battle to stop the run away truck while he is in a weakened
-The art gallery a few doors down from the MPD either displays some
of it’s paintings outside in good weather, or it was having an art
fair during this episode as L&C walk by many easels holding
-Metropolis has very narrow sidewalks in some places.
- Interesting how Lois will not listen to Perry’s suggestions until
after Clark says it’s okay or a good idea.
- Interesting how the Kents question Clark’s decision to ultimately
lie to Lois about his feelings- as if they hadn’t pushed him into
admitting them and getting shot down before.
-After Lois barges past the temp secretary at the Heller office and
locks her in a room with an outside lock, Lois and Clark get the
information they need from Dr. Heller’s files. They leave - with the
temp still locked up in the other room.
-After berating the double for using her left hand too much, Arianna
shoots Superman and proceeds to put the gun into the unconscious real
Lois’ LEFT hand. Granted, her right arm is beneath her, but still...
-Some of Lex’s will 'bequeathments': $50,000 to Metropolis Arts
Council, $25,000 to Metropolis Children’s Summer Camp (to be used as
director sees fit,) an unclear amount to the Metropolis Summer Music
Fair, the ACL Corporation will manage an annuity to his ex-wife, a
scholarship is to be established in his name for students who represent
his high ideals; his artwork and jewelry will be auctioned off and the
proceeds go to ACL Corporation; has also set aside funds for the
creation of a state of the art theater where a three hour film
documenting his extraordinary life and rise to the top will be shown
(daily or continually) at no cost to the public.
-Luthor and Carlin were married on October 8, 1984, and the wedding
announcement was run in the DP ten years ago according to Jimmy (in
1994,) and Arianna says she hasn’t been Mrs. Luthor for ten years- the
marriage lasted a very short time. They were already divorced or in the
process less than two months after the ceremony.
-Was forming the ACL Corporation the reason for the brief marriage? It
could have been set up in her name while he maintained control over it.
Note: ACL might have been Luthor’s
only corporation that was completely clean of his criminal activities as
his will names it to carry out his wishes. Arianna presumably would keep
his other secrets after inheriting the bulk of his empire.
-According to Dr. Heller, skin will burn when bandages are removed after
cosmetic surgery and that is perfectly normal.
-According to Heller’s files the “full facial” reconstructive
surgery on the double was done only a week before his death- suggesting
the swelling and bruising cleared up in a week. He was
a very brilliant surgeon!
-Subliminal acrostics in Dr. Carlin’s columns included: Superman Is
Evil, Man of Steel Wicked, Superman Must Die and, created but not
published, Lane Murder of Superman Good.
-After the bullet is removed from his shoulder, Superman’s wound heals
immediately and though weakened, he is able to fly and discern that
Carlin and the double are escaping in a truck.
-Lane and Kent are writing a series of articles called “The Breakup of
-When Clark teases Lois that a young rookie cop wanted her phone number,
she assures him she is interested in “only one man in blue.”
-Lois apparently spends her week off from work on a cruise to get rid of
the kryptonite bullet as Superman suggested.
-20% of people polled in Metropolis are against Superman’s presence in
Metropolis- but can’t explain why
-Considering the trash blowing in the street of some areas of the city,
it’s no wonder the city is spraying for fruit flies again. Apparently,
it was so well written that the DP Powers That Be decide to rerun
Lois’ original article on the subject- either that or the newsstand
sells back issues of popular editions
-When Lois goes to sign for her purse at the MPD, it is lying on a desk
instead of locked away securely in the property room.
News Headlines)
- $3 Million In Aid Pledged For S.A. Earthquake Victims
- A Titanic -size nightmare: 45 Soviet ships trapped
- Traffic Safety Plan outlined by City Roads Authority
- Hospital Building Fund Nears Goal With State Support
- Fruit Fly Spraying