Below is a list of the second season episodes. The red titles are episodes that have been completed. The blue titles are episodes that have been chosen by fans, but haven't been completed yet. Lastly, the black titles indicate available episodes. If you would like to choose an episode, and there are a lot left, please contact us by clicking the volunteer link below. Thanks, everyone!
The Eyes Have It
The Phoenix
Top Copy
Return of the Prankster (Bev)
Lucky Leon
Tempus Fugitive - Tom (Avilos )
Target Jimmy Olsen
Individual Responsibility
Whine, Whine Whine
And the Answer Is

Madame Ex
Wall of Sound
The Source
The Prankster
Church of Metropolis (Bev)
Operation Blackout
That Old Gang of Mine
A Bolt From the Blue
Seasons Greedings
Chi of Steel